MRI Scanning

Our MRI equipment can provide the following scanning:

Brain MRI

MRI is the best diagnostic tool for evaluation of the Central Nervous System (brain and spinal cord) for patients. Your doctor may order a brain MRI to determine the cause of the following symptoms: Vision problems, Dizziness, Seizures, Chronic headaches, Muscle weakness, Muscle numbness or tingling, Change in behavior or thinking, Hearing loss, Speaking difficulties.

Stroke MRI and MRA

A complete stroke scan consisting of MR brain including diffusion imaging specifically for stroke identification. Symptoms of stroke include: Severe headache, Numbness or weakness of the face, arm or leg, Trouble speaking or understanding speech, Difficulty in seeing in one or both eyes, Dizziness, Loss of balance, and coordination. 


Spine MRI 

Spine MRI provides detailed pictures of areas of the spine that are difficult to view with a naked eye. Which includes the spinal canal, bony segments, and soft tissue. The Spine MRI can pinpoint and show up the exact location of tumors in the spine, spinal cord, or discs. It is an important diagnostic tool for patients with symptoms such as: Sudden neck or back pain, injury or trauma to the neck and lower back spine, Severe and persistent neck and lower back pain, Limbs numbness, Sclerosis, Leg pain, Lack of control in the bowel or bladder. 

Joint MRI

Examine bones, joints, and soft tissues, examination of muscles and joints in all angles allow better understanding of the complicated soft tissue structure. It is also an indispensable tool in the management of sports injuries and also used to assess the results of corrective orthopedic procedures such as treatment of arthritis. Patients with symptoms such as: knee pain, hip pain, shoulder pain and/or other joints pain, soft tissue injury, muscle tear, ligament sprain, stiffness in the morning or following inactivity would be recommended to take a joint MRI screen test.

 Whole Body MRI

Whole body MRI scans will provide a clearer and accurate result of the single body areas like the spine, liver or brain. It is used to scan the entire body for physical abnormalities, tumors in the earliest stage of formation and cancer inflammation in the head, lymph nodes, and abdomen areas.

Breast MRI

Displays all the tissues of the breast while minimizing the radiation dose to your breast tissue and giving doctors an accurate report, while also testing for the risk of developing breast cancer. Doctors will recommend patients suffering from symptoms such as: Dense breast tissue, Signs of breast cancer, Family history of breast cancer, Leaking or ruptured breast implant, Lump in the breast, Precancerous breast changes to a Breast MRI scan.

Pelvis MRI

Monitor and evaluate and diagnose conditions leading up to tumors, disease, inflamed bowel diseases and abnormal blood vessels in your pelvic regions such as reproductive organs. This test may be done if a patient  has: Abnormal vaginal bleeding, A mass in the pelvis, Pain in the lower belly, Unexplained infertility, Pelvic pain, Trouble with urination, Birth defects of the hips, Injury or trauma to the hip area, Hip pain. 

 Cardiac MRI

Evaluate the anatomy and function of the heart chambers, valves, size and blood flow to diagnose a variety of cardiovascular infections and tumors. Patients with Chest pains, Fainting, Difficulty breathing, Palpitations, Rapid heart rate or Tightness in the chest would be recommended to take a cardiac MRI scan.

Prostate MRI

Prostate MRI scanning allows the evaluation of tissue properties and measure the risk of prostate cancer. This test may be done if a male has: Lumps or swelling in the testicles or scrotum, undescended testicle.


MRI allows imaging of the entire biliary system. The test is completely non-invasive, and is most useful to investigate the cause of obstruction to the biliary tract.

Others MRI

Abdominal and Chest, Breath-hold Abdominal, Thorax Scan.

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